PCR Thermocycler Blue-Ray biotech
Temperature range +4 °C-99 °C ; Fast heating ramp rate up to 5.5 °C/sec ; Excellent temperature accuracy and uniformity (+/- 0.3 °C) ; 12-section gradient temperature range from 1 to 24.9 °C for PCR optimization ; The quick boot-up takes only 45 seconds.
Temperature range -3°C-99 °C temperature accuracy and uniformity (+/- 0.1 °C)
Analysis methods: PCR quantification, Gene expression, Melt curve analysis, Allelic discrimination, End point analysis ; Temperature range 0-100°C +/-0.2°C, Range of ext./em. 450-730nm ; 96 wells: from1μL-50 μL (recommended 10μL-25 μL).
Mx3000p QPCR System Agilent
Mx3000p QPCR System Agilent - Analysis methods: Quantitative PCR, Comparative Quantitation, SYBR Green, Allele Discrimination, Melting curve. 4 dyes per well
Olympus Fluorescence Microscope inverted CKX53 Olympus x4, x10, x20 + Fluorescence GFP, RFP, DAPI Brightfield, Phase Contrast, and DIC only
Motic Optical Microscope x4, x10, x40, x100 + Camera 5M
Olympus Binocular Microscope up to x90 + Camera 15M
Plate Reader
Synergy HT Multi-Mode Microplate Reader- Capable of reading any plate format up to 384-well plates and provides temperature control up to 50° C and shaking as standard features. Typical applications include antibody-antigen binding, receptor-liquid binding, ELISA, nucleic acid quantitation
Absorbance monochromator from 200 nm to 999 nm (UV -Vis).
Fluorescence (ext./em. 485/530, 528/590, 485/590).
Thermo scientific Multiskan FC- Plate types – 96 or 348 well plate ; Wavelength – 405nm, 450nm, 620nm ; Shaker – Slow (5 Hz, amplitude 15 mm), Medium (11 Hz, amplitude 3 mm), and Fast (20 Hz, amplitude 1 mm) ; Temperature range - +4°C to 50°C.
PHOmo Microplate reader- Detection method: Absorbance ; Measurement modes: Endpoint & Kinetic ; Plate type: 96, 48 flat, U and V bottom ; Filters 405nm, 450nm, 492nm, 620nm.
Flow cytometry - FACS
CytoFLEX Beckman Coulter Life Science Flow cytometr
Laser specification- Violet (ex.405nm), Blue (ex.488), Red (ex.638). 30 000 events per second with all configured parameters.
Nano Drop
Micro-Spectrophotometer Fluorometer DeNovix DS-11 FX
Rapidly quantify seven orders of magnitude of nucleic acids and protein samples selecting your choice of UV-Vis or Fluorescent modes.
Full spectrum UV-Vis analysis (190nm to 840 nm)
Fluorescence capability:
Green LED : 525 nm (Excitation), 565 to 650 nm (Emission)
Red LED : 632 nm (Excitation), 665 to 740 nm (Emission)
Blue LED : 470 nm (Excitation), 514 to 567 nm (Emission)
UV : 375 nm (Excitation), 435 to 485 nm (Emission)
NanoDrop 2000 Thermo Scientific
Applications: Nucleic acid, Protein, Fluorescent dye corporation, BCA Assays, Bradford, Kinetic methods, Custom methods ; Full spectral output (190 - 840 nm) ; Preconfigured methods for A260, A280, labeled DNA or Proteins, and much more.
Gel Imaging system
Semi-Quantitative Assay EtBr, SYBR Green/ safe, Commassie,
Photography of DNA, RNA and protein Gels, Western blot membrane, Dot blot,
Vis; UV (302, 365nm); Chemiluminescence
AmershamTM Imager 600
Chemiluminescent Western blotting detection
Cell counter
Countess™ II Automated Cell Counter
is a benchtop assay platform equipped with state-of-the-art optics, full autofocus, and image analysis software for rapid assessment of cells.
Capacity-500/250ml bottle, 50/15ml tube; Maximum speed: 15 200 rpm (depending on the rotor), 4 816xg; Temperature range: -10°C – 40°C
Capacity-24 Eppendorf tube ; Maximum speed- 13 000 rpm depending on rotor, 17 000xg ; Temperature range- 5°C – 40°C
Capacity- 4x50ml/ 12x15ml ; Maximum speed Depending on Rotor – 15 200 rpm; 25 830xg ; Temperature range- -10°C – 40°C
Capacity: 4x50ml/ 8x15ml ; Maximum speed 4 100 rpm; Maximum RCF- 2 819xg ; Temperature range: -9°C – 40°C
Capacity: 4x50ml/ 12x15ml/ 24x1.5ml or 2ml/ 2 plates ; Maximum speed Swing-out Rotor: 4 100 rpm; Maximum RCF- 3 045xg ; Maximum speed Angle Rotor: 14 000 rpm; Maximum RCF: 18 405xg ; Temperature range: -9°C – 40°C
DNA & Protein electrophoresis Transblot
Detection & Analysis
Protein or DNA electrophoresis
Transblot SD semi dry
Biorad- Transferring to a membrane by semi dry transfer system.
Analysis by Commassie staining, immunoblotting: antibodies staining, and Imaging system.
PCR Thermocycler Blue-Ray biotech
Temperature range +4 °C-99 °C ; Fast heating ramp rate up to 5.5 °C/sec ; Excellent temperature accuracy and uniformity (+/- 0.3 °C) ; 12-section gradient temperature range from 1 to 24.9 °C for PCR optimization ; The quick boot-up takes only 45 seconds.
Temperature range -3°C-99 °C temperature accuracy and uniformity (+/- 0.1 °C)
Fusion FX 6 EDGE - Gel Imaging system
Chemiluminescence Western, Northern or Southern blot
Optional applications:
DNA & RNA gels and fluorescence stain imaging with UV-Pad or Blue-Pad
Colorimetric stained protein gels, X-Ray film, autorads,
SSCP gels, colony dish and flask imaging with White-Light-Pad or UV-Pad + conversion screen
Fluorescence Western blot with Spectra Capsules
BioTek Synergy H1 Multimode Reader
Synergy H1 offers continuously variable bandwidth monochromators for fluorescence excitation and emission wavelength selection.
Fluorescence bandwidth can be set between 9 and 50 nm, in 1 nm increments, allowing users to fully optimize reader settings to drive the best assay performance compared to fixed bandwidth systems.
UV-Vis Absorbance
Fluorescence Intensity